An affordable alternative to bridge your health insurance coverage gap during a time of transition.
Perhaps you are recently unemployed and missed the Individual Marketplace Open Enrollment. Maybe you have aged off your parent’s insurance plan or you’re waiting for employer benefits to kick in. You could have a job that doesn’t offer group health insurance coverage.
There are plenty of reasons you might be among the millions of Americans in need of short term insurance. Pivot Health provides an affordable solution to health care for consumers just like you.
Pivot Health now offers you the ability to apply for up to 4 distinct consecutive
90- day plan periods with NO additional medical questions after the initial application.* This means back-to-back coverage with benefits that include:
- Up to $1 million in total coverage per period
- Co-insurance and deductible options
- Doctor visit copays**
- Freedom of choice for doctors and hospitals with no network restrictions
- Child-only insurance if needed
- Savings on eye exams and prescriptions**
- And much more!
Pivot Health is here when life throws curveballs your way, helping reduce your financial risk of unexpected sickness and injury.
With a variety of deductibles and payment options available, you can find a Pivot Health plan that fits your budget. Start shopping for the protection you need today.
Get your free Short Term Medical quote today!
You can enjoy the protection of reliable health coverage as early as tomorrow.
10 life situations when short term health plans are needed:
- Early Retirees
Pre-65-year old retirees who do not yet qualify for Medicare but have too much household income to qualify for a subsidy, can find an option through short term medical.
- Divorce
More than 825,000 individuals divorced in 2017. In fact, statistics indicate around 115,000 women lose their health insurance in the months following divorce. Short term health plans can be a great bridge for just 30 days or for multiple months.
- Too rich for Medicaid, too poor for subsidies
2.4 million people don't make enough money to qualify for a tax credit to purchase insurance on the ACA exchanges, yet they make too much money to qualify for Medicaid benefits. Short term is a good fit for low cost coverage.
When an individual enrolls in COBRA, the individual is responsible for the
entire insurance premium plus administrative fees. Short term medical is an affordable alternative to COBRA, costing about 50% less.
- Employer waiting period
Most companies have a 90-day waiting period before health insurance benefits begin. A temporary short term health plan helps bridge the gap for workers
between jobs and stuck in a new employee waiting period.
- Moving to a new state
In 2016, 5.5 million Americans moved to a new state. But individual major medical plans do not move with them. A short term health plan can serve as a temporary solution and provide immediate coverage for an unplanned illness or accident.
- Joining “gig” economy
About 7.4% of new entrepreneurs launch their own companies each year. Short term medical can start in 24-hours and cost about 50% less than traditional health insurance.
- Freedom from doctor network
In 2017, 1.9 million individuals with an ACA plan only had one insurance carrier to choose from with restricted provider networks. Pivot Health short term has no
network restrictions – all providers are accepted.
- College students
Students can stay on their parent’s health plan until age 26, but not all insurance companies cover students attending college out of state. It could be less expensive to enroll the student in a short term plan for the academic year.
- Aging off parent’s insurance plan
Approximately 10,000 people turn 26 a day. Young adults who are no longer dependent eligible on their parent’s plan may not have access to employer coverage. Short term can be an excellent bridge to coverage.